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Road Tripping In Dallas Is On The Rise Again

Road Tripping In Dallas Is On The Rise Again

Despite rising gas prices around the country and the world, Texans are once again ready to hit the road this summer. According to tourism agency Travel Texas, travel spending in the state recovered by 92% in 2021, following an extremely difficult two years for the industry. This is excellent news for Texans and the local travel industry.

Travel Habits Changing

Recent surveys conducted by the Vacationer revealed exactly what American’s travel intentions are for 2022. After two years of staying at home, around 81% of adults in the United States are planning on exploring their own country, with only 20% looking to travel internationally. This means that many locals are looking to spend their summer on the great American roads. People in Texas especially are aligning with this trend of domestic travel, and the roads of Dallas are open for business.

The following routes simply must be traveled by any American or international explorers in Texas.

Before You Put Your Foot On The Gas

Before hitting the great Texan roads it’s important that you not only have enough gas, but that you know what to do in case of emergency. It’s a good idea to save the phone numbers of a tow company as well as any other local emergency services that could come in useful. In Texas, the average price to tow a car is around $125 for every 40 miles, so be sure to budget for this just in case. Besides being covered in case of a breakdown, other precautions such as checking vehicle fluids, tire pressure, and making sure the engine is in good shape are all important checks before hitting the road.

Dallas to San Antonio

The short drive from Dallas to San Antonio is a fan favorite and has long been one of the most popular routes for Texans to enjoy during the hot summer months of May to July. There are many sights to see along the way between the two great Texan cities, including the Natural Bridge Caverns and Jacobs Well Natural Area, providing well over 80 acres of wildlands to explore. This route is a must-see for explorers looking to explore the iconic state.

Driving Through Grapevine

Grapevine might not sound like much of a tourist or vacation destination for people who already live in Texas. It’s a mild suburban area where many families raise their children. However, what many Texans don’t appreciate about the Dallas-based suburb is the natural beauty in the area. The suburb is home to the gorgeous Grapevine Lake, as well as the quirky Grapevine Vintage Railroad that houses many great American treasures. For anyone searching for an authentic American experience, the short road trip through Grapevine is ideal.

The Road Trip Returns

Dallas has so much to offer, from amazing restaurants to natural beauty and unique roadside attractions. As the last two years fade into the rear-view mirror it’s easy to see why so many locals are getting back behind the wheel to explore what the state has to offer.

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