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3 Reasons Why Marriages Break Down

3 Reasons Why Marriages Break Down

Marriage may be a life-long commitment but despite this, almost half of all first marriages in the U.S. end in divorce, while second and third marriages fail at an even higher rate. While both parties enter their union expecting it to last, unfortunately, their best intentions are not always enough. 

By understanding some of the reasons behind the breakdown of a marriage, couples are better equipped to navigate some of the challenges they may face such as financial problems, poor communication, and even infidelity. In doing so, both parties stand a greater chance of making their marriage last the distance. This article will explore in greater detail three common reasons why marriages break down.

Poor Communication

Communication is the key to creating a healthy relationship. Without openness and honesty, misunderstandings can arise between a couple leading to arguments and the inability to peacefully and effectively resolve issues when they arise. 

Over time, poor communication in a marriage can cause one or both parties to begin to feel a sense of disconnection from their partner, leading to greater emotional distancing and lack of intimacy. Feelings of resentment can also build, causing further strain on the marriage.

Poor communication in a marriage can manifest in many ways, including emotional withdrawal, avoidance of difficult topics, and defensiveness. If poor communication is a problem within your marriage, couples therapy such as Marriage Counselling Dallas can help you and your partner improve your ability to honestly communicate with one another and nurture your relationship.

Marital Infidelity

Infidelity is one of the top reasons for divorce. Once trust has been broken in a relationship it can be very difficult to regain, but some couples do manage to overcome this hurdle in their marriage.

This will usually require many honest conversations, a great deal of patience with one another, the ability to forgive, and a willingness for both parties to want to work on their relationship. Without these elements, it can be challenging for trust to be restored between both parties, making moving beyond the betrayal a difficult and arduous process that may require professional assistance through couples therapy or counseling.

Seeking professional help from an unbiased third party can help couples understand the underlying causes of infidelity, and potentially help them rebuild a strong and trusting relationship.

Financial Challenges

Money problems are another common source of stress and conflict among couples, especially when their values in this area do not align. Whether it’s differences in spending habits, the accumulation of debt, or different views on savings, financial challenges can often contribute to the breakdown of a marriage.

Continually trying to make ends meet or disagreements about how to budget can also lead to anxiety, depression and other mental and physical conditions that can place additional strain on a marriage. By addressing these issues together and agreeing on financial goals and values, couples can work towards solutions that will benefit them both in the long term.

With greater awareness and understanding of some of the common reasons why marriages break down, couples can take proactive steps to address these issues, seek help when needed, and work together to build stronger and more resilient relationships.

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